Yep. Karen's got a sweet mustache comb and I've been using it all week to shape my mustache. You can't see my mustache because I cropped it out of the picture. All you can see is me sleeping and Karen's cute little leg. The reason I'm growing a mustache is to help ACES raise money for their mentoring and tutoring program. I've been hyping up the ACES fundraiser for a while now so I won't go on about it too much. Except for the fact that I've only raised $60. And I'm kinda bummed about raising only $60. I was more bummed when my mom when on vacation without me, but I'm still pretty bummed. The good news is, I still have two weeks to raise more money.
Yay me.
And yay you if donate right now. It doesn't have to be $100. I'd settle for anything right now. I really want to help those kids. And I really want a new squirrel toy for raising the most money. I know that might sound selfish, but in the world of capitalism it's always a give and take. I give you my time, effort and mustache--my mom gives me a new squirrel toy. Everybody wins. Especially the kids who are helped by your generous donation.
Anyway, back to my thanking Karen and her husband and all the nice fence-building people for being so nice to me and my mustache. It always stinks when your mom goes out of town, but those people made me feel especially loved. The only one who didn't make me feel welcome was Karen's cat Grendal. I didn't want to eat the cat, just bat it around a little bit. But Grendal was going to have none of that and hissed at me when I walked by. Stupid Grendal. Not that I don't understand--I wouldn't like it if a nice dog came over, stole all the attention and I got stuck in the basement. I'd be pissed too. But still. I'm a nice dog, not a douche dog. And Grendal should treat me accordingly.
Oh well. No biggie. My mom's coming to get me tomorrow night and that's all that matters. Except I'll kind of miss Karen. And her husband. And the fence-building guys. But certainly not Grendal.
The End.
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