Friday, February 18, 2011

Some HOT Bitches Were At My House

Hi. I'm Oliver. And a few nights ago, my mom had some HOT women over. I don't have a picture of my reaction, but if there was one, it would look like that picture up there. My eyes were super wide and my tongue was hanging out because those ladies were HOT. 

Those ladies were my mom's work friends and (not to be redundant) they were super HOT. I mean, I've always loved the ladies, but these women were perfect. Perfect belly scratches, perfect head rubs, perfect laps for me to sit in. The whole experience taught me a lot, too.

For instance, now I know why my mom goes into the office sometimes. I'd leave me too if there were a bunch of HOT bitches involved. Nothing is better than a bunch of HOT bitches. (To help clarify, the word "bitch" isn't a bad word for dogs, it just means "female." So don't think I'm being disrespectful by using that word. That word is only bad if you're a human.) 

Anyway, back to my point of understanding why my mom has to go into the office. It's really about the hot bitches. Of course, I don't want to encourage anyone to leave anyone, especially for 8-10 hours--that's a really long time. But at least I understand my mom's motivation for going to the office. I'd go see the HOT bitches too if my mom would let me, but I'm not very good at sitting still and minding my own business when I'm at my mom's work office. 

I get all distracted by all the new stuff and smells and HOT ladies going, "Awwww. Your dog is so cute. Can I pet him?" I have no idea why they ask to pet me because my response is always, "Rub my belly! Rub my belly! Rub my belly! Rub my belly! Rub my belly! Rub my belly! Rub my belly!" I'm up and down and up and down like I'm on a pogo stick. That's how excited I get when HOT ladies ask if they can rub my belly.

Anyway, back to the HOT bitches that were at my house a few days ago. They were really nice. And HOT. And they laughed a lot so they must be pretty funny too. I don't know what was so funny, but they sure did laugh a lot. And I didn't even let it make me feel stupid or self conscious. A lot of dogs would feel self conscious about HOT bitches laughing at stuff. But I'm super confident and don't let little things like that get to me. The only thing that gets to me is when a HOT wheaten acts all aloof and won't let me sniff her butt. Now THAT's humiliating. 

But these ladies were all really nice. And HOT. So I hope they come over again soon. I really want them to come over again. And if they have any nice HOT wheatens to bring over too, well, that would be freakin' awesome. 

The end.


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